Monday, September 22, 2014

The Extra Special Souls

Right at this moment, there are two large projects I should be focusing on. I  need to do a module for Biology and a small paper for Nature and Society. Instead, I'm going to write about a few critters who have made a huge impact on my life. Why? Because I need a break from reality. Ha!

Okay, well shall we get started?

Heart animals don't come with every pet. I don't know why, but I find this hard to deal with. I feel like all animals that are in my life hold a special part, but these animals consume so much more. You become attached at the hip. They are like the long lost best friend who you always dreamed of but never thought you would find. Occasionally it is instant, but I think many times it grows through challenge and hard work.

Romeo was my heart horse. He was my go-to best friend, the best listener and a complete and utter jackass horse. I swear he lived to make me miserable. But he was cute! See?

I learned tons from this boy. He came into my life after a run with horses who just didn't fit what I needed. And frankly, he wasn't what I needed either. He was a somewhat wild, cattle bred gelding who was easily bored and enjoyed causing trouble. He loved the ladies and only had about 6 months under saddle when we brought him home from rural Ohio. We had a nice run, even with all the struggles. He was my best boy and I regret everyday that I let him go. In addition, this horse led me to further knowledge in responsible riding technique (which is still quite far off and coming along slowly), ownership, horse behavior, structure, and body maintenance. He was my heart and soul and someday I will find a way to honor everything he brought to the table with a piece of ink on my body.

I highly doubt it will come as a surprise to learn that Tulsa is my heart dog. Opposite of Romeo, I knew very quickly that she was the one. Like, basically as soon as she came home. 

Because how could I not? I researched and researched and researched. I have a few dogs that were acquired in an attempt to fill her hole, afraid that I couldn't handle what she would bring to the table. Part of my fear was the fact that no reputable dogs were available to discover the breed and the other part was the battle of ACD vs Border Collie. I have no regrets in bringing Harlow or Rider into our life. They are both spectacular dogs and both have left their own little imprint on my soul. I don't understand it, but it doesn't surprise me... Tulsa came into our lives just as she takes on everything else in the world. Like a Freakin' Fireball Shot. She's a little red hurricane full of SUNSHINE! And I love her for all of it. This dog is spectacular. I could gush and gush for hours, but everybody would think (or maybe they already know?) that I'm nuts. Actually, I'm pretty sure that if you follow us on Facebook that you already hear about it.

I wasn't kidding, I'm not going to go on and on about how amazing she is because this blog post couldn't take that many words. Frankly, I love her to death and even though she's only been in our life for about four months, I can't imagine it without her. I can't wait to see what we accomplish. 

Part of the reason I'm writing this post is to approach the guilt I feel because of my immense love for redpuppy. Aforementioned, she's been in our life for four months. Harlow has been here four years. Rider for two. I love them both for obvious reasons and they are amazing dogs. Now, before you get too concerned, Harlow isn't missing out on holding the title of "Best Girl" in the eyes of a human. Josh loves that dog so much it's difficult to watch sometimes, and frankly that dog adores him more than she adores making my life miserable (which is a lot). Rider is the sweetest and cuddliest boy ever. Both Josh and I adore him as well. I just don't click with him quite the same as I do with the baby squid. I feel guilty for this. I feel guilty that they don't all hold the word heart in their description. I feel weird that I don't want every one of them memorialized forever on myself. I don't think it is abnormal, but the guilt is still there. And I think it always will be for those who don't have that level of connection.

As usual, it's late and my thoughts are probably all running together at this point. For that I apologize. I guess that'll do for tonight.

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